Shiro Nicotine Pouches

"Shiro" means white in Japanese. Shiro is made of pure plant fiber with added nicotine extract. The product provides an effective nicotine experience and a completely pure flavour. The portions are slim - and have toned softness which makes the portion discreet and comfortable in the mouth. Shiro. Japanese for white. Pure flavour for you.

Shiro Nicotine Pouches logo

Shiro Nicotine Pouches

"Shiro" means white in Japanese. Shiro is made of pure plant fiber with added nicotine extract. The product provides an effective nicotine experience and a completely pure flavour. The portions are slim - and have toned softness which makes the portion discreet and comfortable in the mouth. Shiro. Japanese for white. Pure flavour for you.

Shiro Nicotine Pouches logo

Shiro Nicotine Pouches ist derzeit nicht auf Lager

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