Puff & Pouch
The strengths of Puff & Pouch’s nicotine pouches are 4 mg and 12 mg, which effectively satisfy the craving for nicotine and provide a numbing sensation. The flavors are long-lasting and won’t leak or break while in use. All the Puff and Pouch nicotine pouches we sell online are completely tobacco-free.
Puff & Pouch
The strengths of Puff & Pouch’s nicotine pouches are 4 mg and 12 mg, which effectively satisfy the craving for nicotine and provide a numbing sensation. The flavors are long-lasting and won’t leak or break while in use. All the Puff and Pouch nicotine pouches we sell online are completely tobacco-free.
Každá položka prešla rozsiahlym procesom vývoja produktu a príchute boli vybrané s pomocou testovacej skupiny pozostávajúcej z viac ako 100 jednotlivcov. Sila nikotínu Puff & Pouch's je 4 mg a 12 mg, ktoré účinne uspokojujú túžbu po nikotíne a poskytujú pocit znecitlivenia. Príchute sú dlhotrvajúce a počas používania nevytekajú ani sa nerozbijú.